Saturday, 20 December 2008

CSI Theme Tunes / Intros

During the writing of this blog I often come across some strange requests of things you, the fans, would like to see on here from photos of the CSI cast to CSI clips form backstage and many more I dare not mention but by far the most requested are the intro or theme from CSI. It seems that as much as we all love the show it is the intro that makes us water at the mouth in anticipation of what will happen next on CSI.

Something special happens when you connect with a TV show like CSI and the CSI cast become like family to us all and it seems hearing the theme tune to CSI puts a smile on all our faces as we think about those we have "grown up" with and hold dear. From the comments you send in about your favourite CSI episodes and CSI cast it seems you all share a great interest in how their "lives" will progress but mostly you simply enjoy the chemistry on screeen and never tire of seeing the same episode again and again on CSI DVD because you see new interactions and hints to relationships between them all.

So knowing how much it means to you all I was left with the dilema of which CSI intros to post untill I came across this little number from a fan of CSI on YouTube. This clip has all three CSI theme tunes back to back so there is something for all the CSI Vegas fans the CSI Maini fans and the CSI NY fans and hopefully you will all enjoy seeing them all together.